Deep Dive: AI and Data Security Checklist

AI and Machine Learning are revolutionizing the future of work by fostering innovation, enhancing competitiveness, and boosting employee productivity. Organizations are increasingly aware that AI technologies, along with robust data security measures, can drive substantial value, leveraging their data as a competitive advantage.

However, the dual challenge of capitalizing on AI opportunities while managing data security and privacy risks, such as data breaches and regulatory compliance, remains significant.

This blog will explore a detailed checklist of unnoticed AI and data security issues based on real-world evidence indicating that attackers employ simple tactics to compromise ML-driven systems. This checklist helps security teams, such as CISOs, ML practitioners, engineers, and governance leaders, secure their AI and data environments.

The data security pointers are meticulously categorized by the foundational components of the data and AI journey, from data preparation to cataloging and governance, as well as AI models, evaluation, management, and models serving operations and platforms.

1. Data Preparation, Cataloging, and Governance

  • Insufficient Access Controls: Without robust access controls, unauthorized users may gain access to sensitive data, leading to potential data breaches and misuse. Implementing strict access policies ensures only authorized personnel can interact with critical data, thereby maintaining strong data security.
  • Missing Data Classification: Failing to classify data can result in mishandling sensitive information. Proper data classification helps in identifying and securing data based on its sensitivity and importance, thereby reducing the risk of exposure.
  • Poor Data Quality: Poor data quality can lead to inaccurate AI models and incorrect predictions. Ensuring data integrity and robust data security through regular audits and cleaning processes is crucial for reliable AI outcomes.
  • Ineffective Storage and Encryption: Storing data without adequate encryption leaves it vulnerable to unauthorized access. Effective encryption methods safeguard data at rest and in transit, protecting it from potential breaches.
  • Lack of Data Versioning: Without data versioning, tracking changes and maintaining data integrity becomes challenging. Implementing version control for data ensures transparency and accountability in data management practices.
  • Insufficient Data Lineage: Insufficient data lineage can obscure the origins and transformations of data, making it difficult to trace and verify. Maintaining comprehensive data lineage records is essential for transparency and compliance and data security.
  • Stale Data: Using outdated data can compromise the effectiveness of AI or Generative AI models. Regularly updating and refreshing data ensures that models remain relevant and accurate.
  • Lack of Data Access Logs: Without detailed access logs, tracking who accessed what data and when becomes impossible. Maintaining thorough access logs helps monitor and audit data usage.
  • Feature Manipulation: Manipulating features in data can distort model predictions and lead to biased outcomes. Ensuring the integrity and consistency of data features is crucial for unbiased model performance.
  • Label Flipping: Label flipping involves altering the labels of data points, which can mislead AI or ML models. Regularly validating and verifying labels helps maintain the accuracy and reliability and data security of training data.

2. AI Models, Evaluation, and Management

  • Model Drift: Over time, changes in the underlying data distribution may cause models to become less accurate. Regular monitoring and retraining and ensuring data security help mitigate model drift and maintain performance.
  • Hyperparameter Stealing: Exposing hyperparameters can lead to malicious actors replicating or manipulating your models. Securing hyperparameter settings is essential to protect model integrity.
  • Malicious Libraries: Using third-party libraries can introduce vulnerabilities if they contain malicious code. Ensuring the provenance and security of all libraries used in ML projects is critical for safe development.
  • Insufficient Evaluation Data: Using inadequate evaluation data can result in unreliable model performance assessments. Ensuring a diverse and representative evaluation dataset, along with robust data security practices, helps in accurate model validation.
  • Backdoor Machine Learning/Trojaned Model: Inserting backdoors into AI or Gen AI models allows attackers to trigger specific behaviors. Regularly auditing and testing models for such vulnerabilities can prevent unauthorized actions.
  • Model Assets Leak: Leaks of model assets, such as weights and architecture, can compromise intellectual property. Implementing strict access controls and encryption can protect model assets from unauthorized access.
  • ML Supply Chain Vulnerabilities: Weaknesses in the ML supply chain can introduce security risks. Ensuring the security of all components, from data sources to deployment tools, helps mitigate these vulnerabilities.
  • Source Code Control Attack: Unauthorized modifications to source code can introduce vulnerabilities. Implementing robust source code control practices, including regular audits and access restrictions, ensures code integrity.
  • Model Attribution: Misattributing models can lead to incorrect accountability and misuse. Maintaining accurate records of model ownership and contributions is crucial for transparency and accountability.
  • Model Theft: Unauthorized copying or use of models can compromise intellectual property and competitive advantage. Implementing stringent data security measures, including access controls and monitoring can prevent model theft.
  • Model Lifecycle Without HITL: Excluding Human-In-The-Loop (HITL) processes from the model lifecycle can result in unchecked biases and errors. Incorporating HITL ensures continuous human oversight and intervention.
  • Model Inversion: Model inversion attacks can reveal sensitive information about training data. Implementing robust privacy-preserving techniques helps protect against such attacks.

3. Models Serving, Operations, and Platform

  • Prompt Injection: Prompt injection involves manipulating input prompts to trigger unintended model behaviors. Regularly testing and validating input handling mechanisms alongside implementing robust data security measures, can mitigate this risk.
  • Model Breakout: Model breakout occurs when a model accesses unintended data or functionality. Implementing strict isolation and access controls helps in preventing such incidents.
  • Looped Input: Looped inputs can cause models to enter infinite loops or exhibit erratic behavior. Implementing input validation and handling mechanisms can prevent such scenarios.
  • Infer Training Data Membership: Inferring membership of training data can expose sensitive information. Implementing differential privacy techniques helps protect against such inference attacks.
  • Denial of Service (DoS): DoS attacks can overwhelm model-serving infrastructure, causing service disruptions. Implementing robust security measures and monitoring can help in mitigating DoS risks.
  • LLM Hallucinations: Large Language Models (LLMs) may generate plausible but incorrect information. Regularly evaluating and fine-tuning LLM outputs helps in reducing hallucinations.
  • Input Resource Control: Lack of resource control for input data can lead to resource exhaustion attacks. Implementing resource management policies helps in maintaining system stability.
  • Accidental Exposure of Unauthorized Data to Models: Accidentally exposing unauthorized data can compromise model outputs. Implementing strict data access and validation controls helps in preventing such exposures.
  • Lack of Audit and Monitoring Inference Quality: Failing to audit and monitor inference quality can lead to undetected model performance issues. Regular audits and monitoring ensure consistent and reliable model outputs.
  • Output Manipulation: Manipulating model outputs can distort decision-making processes. Implementing robust validation and integrity checks helps in preventing output manipulation.
  • Black-Box Attacks: Black-box attacks involve exploiting model outputs to infer internal workings. Implementing security measures like input obfuscation and rate limiting helps mitigate these attacks.
  • Lack of MLOps – Repeatable Enforced Standards: Lack of standardized MLOps or LLMOps practices can lead to inconsistent model deployment and management. Implementing repeatable and enforced MLOps standards ensures consistent and reliable operations.
  • Lack of Vulnerability Management: Failing to manage vulnerabilities can expose systems to attacks. Regular vulnerability assessments and patch management help in maintaining system security.
  • Lack of Penetration Testing and Bug Bounty: Skipping penetration testing and bug bounty programs can result in undetected vulnerabilities. Implementing these programs helps identify and address security weaknesses.
  • Lack of Incident Response: Without a well-defined incident response plan, handling security breaches becomes challenging. Developing and maintaining an incident response plan ensures prompt and effective actions during security incidents.
  • Unauthorized Privileged Access: Unauthorized access to privileged accounts can lead to severe security breaches. Implementing strict access controls and monitoring helps in preventing unauthorized privileged access.
  • Poor SDLC: A weak Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can introduce vulnerabilities. Adopting a robust SDLC with integrated security practices ensures secure software development.
  • Lack of Compliance: Failing to comply with regulatory requirements can result in legal and financial penalties. Ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and standards is crucial for organizational security.


AI and data security are critical components of modern business operations and the success of AI adoption. By following this comprehensive checklist, organizations can address unnoticed security issues and protect their AI-driven systems from potential threats. This proactive approach not only safeguards data and models but also ensures compliance with regulatory requirements and builds trust with stakeholders. By understanding and implementing these security measures, business owners and CXOs can effectively navigate the complexities of AI and data security, ensuring their AI initiatives are successful and secure.

Most businesses struggle with secure Data and AI implementations, and it's likely you're facing the same challenges. Safeguard your data and ensure successful AI adoption with us.