Successful AI and Gen AI Case Studies

Enterprise Knowledge Search

from vast amounts of structured and unstructured data through advanced RAG techniques, OpenAI and open-source LLMs, comprehensive Security and Guardrails, and multiple evaluation metrics.

Intelligent Customer Care Agent

to respond to real-time support tickets using base knowledge and customer order data in a humanized context. Advanced RAG storing and retrieval and OpenAI LLMs helped customers with a 500% productivity gain.

Gen-AI based Food Recipes Generator

 to make Chefs digital and suggest recipes based on the leftover ingredients, customer dietary preferences, and tailor-made instructions using LLMs and advanced prompting techniques.

Documents Drafting, Summarization, and Comparison

for the Legal Industry to write reit petitions or any other legal documents from vast amount of base knowledge through advanced Data strategies, RAG pipelines, and open-source LLMs.

Post-call Audio Analysis

to detect Toxicity, Tone, Action Items, and Summarization using AWS Transcribe, Comprehend, and various Foundation Models on Bedrock.

Serverless Intelligent Real-time Bot

for Inbound / Outbound customer calling using base knowledge to answer product-related queries through advanced RAG data retrieval and Foundation Models on Bedrock.

Real-time QA Chatbot

to answer customer queries from the knowledge base using prompt engineering and LLMs in a secure manner to avoid Hallucinations and Leakage of sensitive information.

AI-powered Social Media Automation

to generate images and content for your Social Media posts, SEOs, Product Descriptions, etc., based on customer persona using advanced prompt engineering, OpenAI GPT, DALLE, and Stable Difusion multi-model LLMs.

Real-time Road Analytics

for Potholes and Road Objects detection from images and videos using AWS IoT, Kinesis, Computer Vision, YOLO, SSD, Detectron, and Tensorflow Objects Detection Deep Learning models.

Stock Price & Trends Prediction

from historical Time-series dataset through comprehensive Exploratory Data Analysis and using numerous Machine Learning and Statistical (ARIMA, SARIMA, etc.) algorithms.

Logistics Slips Detection & Reading

using CNN, Computer Vision, Tensforflow Object API, and OCR techniques to read Vendor and Products information from hundreds shipping slips and update centralised inventory accordingly.

Intelligent Document Processing

application backed with comprehensive Computer Vision, Deep Learning, NLP, and OCR algorithms enable users to onboard any set of documents, pre-process, classification, and extract relevant information out of them.

Accident & Driving Behaviour Analysis

from real-time video feed and other data pointers from Gyroscope, Magnetometer, and Geospatial information. Applied advanced Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning algorithms to generate deep analytics for Logistics and Insurance companies.

Red-light Collision Detection

using Computer Vision algorithms and YOLO Deep Learning models detects vehicles and humans and draws trajectories to calculate their directions and distance between them to raise collision alerts.

Resume Parsing and JD Matching

using advanced NLP or OCR algorithms to read useful information such as Skills, Experience, Education, Location, etc. from resume documents and match with Job Description to find best match and resume ranking.

Electricity Trading Price Analysis

on a large amount of historical datasets by performing deep Time-series Exploratory Data Analysis, Statistical, and Machine Learning models such as Linear Regression, XGBoost, SVM, etc.


Data Mobility

application connect hundreds of different data APIs and fetch information. Our robust Data Strategies and ETL pipelines ensure the data is stored correctly, securely, and highly available to build applications on top of it.